Blitz (61/144)

From:Simon Archer
Date:16 May 2001 at 14:09:00
Subject:Re: Blitz Crashing

On 16-May-01 Jason Faramus wrote about: Blitz Crashing

Hi Jason

> Just wanted to ask what sort of systems you are running Blitz on, I have
> an 060 (Apollo) and Blitz keeps crashing in the most annoying way's almost
> making me never go near it again. Does this happen to anyone else? I have

I've been using Blitz for a good few years with an 060 with no problems. The
one thing I will say is to delete envarc:ted.prefs and env:ted.prefs and try
running it again. For some unknown reason TED fails here and I have to do
the same thing myself. Everything is fine after that.


Simon Archer

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